Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Messy Birthday

I sit here on June 1st, 2009 celebrating my 38th year on this wild and crazy planet Earth. Yes, today is my birthday. Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me...and how does this great land of the Philippines help me celebrate this wonderful day? By giving me food poisoning no less. Why, of all days, do I have to get food poisoning on my birthday?  I don't really ask for much on birthdays. I don't expect gifts but when gifts do happen I prefer them to be pleasurable and not something that keeps me sitting on a toilet all night.  A nice happy gift, is that too much to ask?

Dear sweet and compassionate Philippines, why do you treat me so badly?  We used to be such great friends but what happened in our friendship?   Is it something I said?   Is it something I did?   Is it something I ate... well, yeah, it's definitely something I ate; perhaps sashimi is the most likely villain here but who knows, I ate in three different places that day.

Thankfully, I'm feeling a little bit better now but we shall see what evils the Philippines has in store for me next birthday ... dropping a coconut on my head is a likely possibility.  Or maybe a salamander will bite me.  Those little creatures are constantly hanging off walls secretly spying on me.  I don't trust them, nor the coconuts!  I'm watching you coconuts, YOU HEAR ME!!  BEWARE!

(hmmm, I appear to be getting a touch insane in my old age...)


elaine v. said...

you are a freak!! ;)

j said...

thats nothing -wait until you are 40 like me (just happened two days after christmas) then you will go truely nuts