Monday, June 22, 2009

Happy Father’s Day

There are many Fathers in the world!

There’s my dad, then there’s Aimee’s dad.  The dads don’t stop there though, there’s several other dads in our collective families as well as many of our friends are dads.  Those dads are all fine and dandy but there’s one important addition to the world of dads: Mainly, ME!

I’ve never been on the receiving end of the Father’s Day celebrations.  I’ve always given the love but never gotten the love.  I couldn’t complain back then because, quite simply, I wasn’t a dad.  Only dads get treated like kings on Father’s Day.  But as of today, and every other day in the upcoming future I too, am worthy of the Daddy Day party!  I have a son.  Sure, he’s not born yet but in his tiny little womb condo he’s currently designing me an awesome little Father’s Day card.  I can see he’s a optimistic thinker because he always paints the sky blue and draws happy faces on the clouds.  I’m not quite sure how he managed to get crayons into the womb but I think it’s better if we don’t ask.  Thank you for the card son (he requested I don’t post it here.  He’s still embarrassed by his artistic abilities.  He’s overly modest, just like his Daddy).  Your daddy loves you and is looking forward to meeting you for the first time.

Here’s the latest ultrasound.  Our son at 37 weeks!


1 comment:

elaine v. said...

you're an awesome dad already..go kenn!