Sunday, September 2, 2007

Wet Market

I went to a Filipino Farmer's Market this morning. It's the best place to get the freshest meats, seafood, fruits and vegetables. The only downside is if you want the freshest of the fresh, you need to get there super early. We arrived at the market at 4:45 am.

Fruits: Just to prove I really am living in a tropical country, look at all the bananas, pinaapples, and durian. Never heard of durian? Think of the look of jackfruit and the smell of moldy cheese. Sounds delicious doesn't it?

Apples - with cockroach.

Coconuts (buko in Filipino) waiting for the slaughter.

One of our maids weighing veggies.

The meat section: Unlike markets in North America where meats are cleverly packaged and displayed as something that looks nothing like an animal body part, here you will find pigs heads, bodies, and hooves hanging off hooks alongside other animal body parts. The hooks swing back and forth as if the animals are doing their last dance (I don't eat meat so I'm allowed to sound this morbid). :)

The seafood section. Super fresh - and stinky.

Now imagine the smells of durian (moldy cheese fruit), fish and freshly killed meat. Throw in some cockroaches, flies and lizards and you have a unique Asian experience!


Unknown said...

After reading this post I think I'll pass on breakfast this morning. :P

Kenniverse said...

What? No salted pig's head for breakie?

Kazzy said...

Yup. Definitely a wild and crazy culinary experience! Must make you even more sure of being a veg!!!

Anonymous said...

Kennie, you don't even eat fishies???